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Saturday, 13 February 2016

Message from Dean

I am totally overwhelmed with your support, 4 once loud mouth dean is lost 4 words, this is something that we as a family didn't sort out, and if I'm honest was slightly embarrassed by it all, but there r no words 2 describe how grateful we r as a family. Ben my son is my world, and like me he has never asked 4 any thing. Like me he is a giver not a taker and at the moment he feels 2 rough 2 take this all in, but when I just told him he could do want he wants with the overwhelming funds he has had donated 2 him, his response was he wants 2 help others in the same boat as him 2 have the best journey posible. Thankyou.


  1. Dean and Jo - you have an amazing son that now wants to help others. This demonstrates Bens the amazing sense of caring for others in such tough times. Love the Ortons xx

  2. You are a fab family just going through a bit of a blip! I know (like everyone who donated) that we are so so happy to be able to do a little something to help. We fully expect to be all together at the beach club in Sotogrande in the summer. Keep us all posted with everything that's going on that way we will all be with you despite being on the other side of the pond. Lots and lots of love to you all. David, Tara, Isobel, Hattie and Grace xxxxx
